Monday, July 11, 2016

Progress 02 - I promised

At the moment I'm able to provide three finished drawings. That's the second. After the following post it'll take some time till ne next one is finished. I just want to make sure there's a little content.

Again I felt the motivation running through my fingers. I removed one piece of paper from the printer, placed it in front of me. Completely ignored the fact that it was past 11 pm. Since the motivation train lacks interest wether you should go to bed, it didn't matter at all.

So I looked at the first drawing and decided that anything from chin to nose isn't the worst I've seen in my whole life. The last tutorial helped me to walk through the door, so I thought it might be not the worst idea to look up what Sophie's tutorials else have to offer.

I barely have ever drawn any male characters or faces so I gave it a shot (by Sophie):

Though I didn't succeed with the last one, this looked more like a challenge to me. So here's my result, the comments will be below:
Took me around two hours.

Too late have I realized that there was one main problem. The ear.
It looks like he ripped of a midget ear and attached ot to his earless head. Perspective seems to be a thing.

The hair looks a lot different from the original but I thought it wasn't that bad at all for a second try. I miss the wild factor in here, it looks way too much like painting by numbers.
It also lacks visible shades. You can see them better when looking at it in original size but it rather leaves an implied impression.

The lips didn't come out I hoped for aswell. But I wanted to leave them there .. as a cautionary example for the future lips.

In the end your most honest critic is yourself and the aftermath.

Nevertheless I guess I've made some progress in understanding the male face structure and how to create better hair design.


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