Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Progress 06 - POV

A quick sketch. Thought it might be interesting to try a different view. Always drawing faces from the front is a necessary thing to do, you need to get the routine in how basic proportions work.
The more frustrating it gets as you watch yourself try do draw a moron-like shape over and over from the side. So that one didn't take me long, about 20 minutes. I didn' clean it out aswell that much. I was simply curious what woudl spontaniously happen if I tried to draw a face from the side. I have to admit that I took a quick peek into toe google images search.

So this is the result:

I don't want to judge it really. It's ok I guess - for a sketch.

Didn't have that much time recently, next week well give me the rest I guess. I'll be helping on an event which will be held the next weekend so there's a lot to do. You don't want to miss a chance to help!


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